Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #5 - New York City

I just returned home from a trip to New York for work. We didn't have much time for fun, but I was reminded of thirteen things that I love about New York City

1. The cabs are so much cheaper than in DC. The meter system is so much better than "zones."
2. All public places are smoke free.
3. Things are always open.
4. There are amazing restaurants.
5. Dylan's Candy Bar.
6. Serendipity.
7. Spending time with my friends.
8. Every time I visit the City I experience something new.
9. The City is only a few hours away.
10. Visiting New York makes me appreciate the cleanliness of our Metro.
11. Shopping - I was really good this trip, but like I said I didn't have much time for fun.
12. You run into so many different types of people.
13. I love exploring all of the different neighborhoods.

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