Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunny Sunday

I am sitting at the computer looking outside at the beautiful weather. It is a perfect fall day. Today is very optimistic way to begin a new week.

I think that everyone has those days or weeks that they are glad to leave behind. Last week was one of those weeks. While the week was filled with some great memories like being in New York, they were over-shadowed by the grim realities of life.

My boyfriend, unfortunately, had the worst of the bad news. His close friend was killed in Iraq on Wednesday. As much as you understand the realities of war, you never expect that it will be your friend who doesn't come back.

Van is keeping it together, he has always been the rock among his group of friends, but everyone is devastated. While I only knew Shane through the stories that Van shared, it is impossible not to grieve over the loss of someone with so much life yet to live.

There still plenty of rough days ahead, but it is reassuring to know that eventually the sun will come out.

To read the Times Dispatch story, click here.


Wendy said...

I am so sorry. It is devistating that one of our boys lost his life. I am sad for all his family and friends.

Melissa said...

It is so awful what is happening and what happened to Shane. My brother-in-law is over there right now and I busy myself with planning his next care package. I don't know him very well, but I refuse to consider the possibility that he may not come home. Please let Van know that we're thinking of him.