Friday, January 05, 2007

The Gout

According to WebMD, Gout affects more than 2 million Americans -- most commonly men between the ages of 40 and 50. So, yes, I was a bit surprised when I found out that I too have gout.

My foot has been swollen for three days now and being completely unable to fit into my favorite shoes, I had no choice but to go to the doctor.

So there I was lying on the exam table with my pant legs rolled up when the doctor, completely surprised, says "I think you have gout."

If you know me well, you know that I am the one-in-a-million person who will get struck by lighting. Or manage to catch some 16th century plague. So this is merely another milestone in my string of medical anomalies.

Hopefully, my three-inch heels will be back by Monday.


Adam said...

And the Award for Most disappointing disease goes to....The Gout. Congrats. Swelling and Redness that will disappear in a few days and may or may not ever come back.

Anonymous said...

This is too funny because you and I have the same luck Katie. I got the gout when I was 17!! My mother teased me for years about having an old man's disease. I hope it clears up soon.