Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Negative One-Year Anniversary to Me

The other day my brother asked what Van and I were doing to celebrate our negative one-year anniversary. I had to laugh because only he would come up with that. He said he wasn't sure what to get us. He knew is wasn't paper, linen, silver or gold. Somehow, all of the etiquette book skiped the negative anniversaries.

On this day next year Van and I will be getting hitched and I can't wait. I hope that this is the first of many wonderful anniversaries.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

This cracks me up. Happy -1.
My brother, when engaged years ago back in the DOS days - programmed every computer at every Radio Shack for miles and miles around so that when someone would touch a key, it would come up on the screen how many seconds until he married his only true love. How romantic. That was 22 years ago and they're still madly in love...