Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Money May Not Buy You Happiness, But..

Things that I have learned:

1. Money may not buy you happiness.

2. It sure will buy you a really great pair of jeans.

After many failed attempts at finding the right pair of jeans (you know the ones that make your butt magically smaller and your legs as long as a super model) , I was sent to Denim Bar to seek the wisdom of the jean guru.

I walked in not sure what I was going to find. The salesperson kept bringing me jean after jean. I think that I tried on 15 pairs of jeans and I have to be honest that there were some that were so tight that I couldn't get them on. Each pair that I managed to squeeze into required that I leave the dressing room and get the opinions of everyone on staff. Not as fun as you might think.

Finally, I found them. Sass and Bide's George Dragon Boot Cut in Mid Blue. Let's just say they're magic. Of course, once found I had to have them.

(Please feel free to believe that is my flat stomach in that photo. )

1 comment:

Wendy said...

congratulations. I know that feeling! Enjoy them....