Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Apartment Craziness

Our landlady sold our apartment and she is expecting to close at the end of Novemember. Amazingly enough she had no understanding of our lease and told the new owners that they only had to give us 30 days notice and we would move out. So last Saturday the new owners called to casually give us 30 days notice.

We very politely informed the new owners that it didn't work that way. The last couple of days have been spent accessing our options, consulting our realtor and lawyer, and negotiating with the new owners. Thankfully, we are lucky enough to have the resources and understanding to have options and to know that we don't have to move unless we want to.

There were many reasons that we signed a 2 year lease on our apartment. The number one reason being that we didn't want to go through the trouble of moving. We especially did not want to move after only seven months in our apartment. Van and I aren't looking for a fight and we certainly don't want to cause ill will with the new owners, but we aren't just going to move for fun. Moving is incredibly expensive and time consuming.

At this point we are still don't no what the outcome will be. I am hoping that we will have some resolution by next week so I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This is fairly open and shut. Your lease runs with the property and is valid against the new owners. If the new owners don't like it, they can sue the old owner, but likely won't get anywhere because it is pretty straight forward. Try the County landlord/tenant board as a resource to help you deal with this. That is what they are there for.